Saturday, April 17, 2010

Help Save The Baby Seals!

This has nothing to do with dogs, but we at Pupznpalz Rescue think that this is a good cause and are in support of saving these babies!

Bulletin from the cause: Animal Rights Go to Cause
Posted By: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
To: Members in 149 Causes
America Want to Stop the Canadian Seal Slaughter
Causes family—we need your help!USA Today has launched the 'America Wants,' Twitter hashtag (#) campaign for charity and you can help PETA receive one full-page advertisement in the newspaper for free—nearly a $200,000 value!Just by reposting this simple tweet: you can help us to spread awareness about the bloody seal slaughter to millions of people! Please be sure to share with family and friends. You can even post a link to our tweet on your Facebook! We can't do it without your support—the seals need us.388,200 seals are slated for slaughter, and you can help one tweet at a time. Please post this tweet now.Pulin ModiAction Team Manager,