Saturday, August 27, 2011

Pathetic activities of some rescues...

I want to start off by saying that most animal rescues are great and are run by caring, stable people who really do care about the animals in their care...

It's really sad that it has to come to this, as most of you who follow the blog know, we left Pupz N Palz rescue in late May, 2011. Were bashed for doing so, claimed to have been fired (this was a full 2 weeks after we left the "rescue" group). We tried to just ignore the high school drama and antics that Pupz N Palz engaged in, but enough is enough!

Yes, we did leave, we were in no way shape or form fired by their "director". We formed a new group based on saving 11th hour dogs, medical dogs and those marked rescue only. Do we still take puppies and other "adoptable" dogs? Do we still take in the occasional owner surrender? Of course we do, but we have also taken on the mange pups and dogs that everyone else passed over. The pup who had 2 broken legs and a broken pelvis, the list goes on and on.. We are PROUD of what we are doing at Angel Paws Country Rescue.

Most recently, she has decided to bash us on Craig's List, well the way we see it, is she is harassing us, perhaps she is leaving someone else alone. It's quite pathetic actually. They claim to "have many complaints" about Angel Paws Country Rescue. Really? Produce them because there are none and if someone had a complaint, I highly doubt that they would contact Pupz N Palz. She attempted to bash us on Yelp, but she was taken down by Yelp themselves! We are sure she will create phone accounts to re-post or have her friends do it for her. She has priors for this type of activity!

Originally, we agreed to take the high road and not engage in her childish actions. However, she apparently is not happy with that. With that said, if you have adopted a dog from Pupz N Palz who became sick, please send an e-mail to We are specifically interested in April, May and June when we know for a fact that several dogs in the directors care came down with parvo, were adopted out and since there is a 3 day clause in her contract, adopters we just out of luck. We do not have a 3 day clause in Angel Paws Country Rescue's contract.

Dogs were bought off of craig's list for a minimal fee or acquired for free and then sold by this rescue that we left. Many of these dogs (pups actually) were exposed to parvo while in her care and some adopted out, only to die later or if they lived, their adopters incurred substantial vet bills. The poor pups that died at her house were dumped in the garbage can because by her own admission, she ran out of room to bury them!

Angel Paws Country Rescue has stood behind every dog or puppy we have adopted out, we have had ZERO parvo and will continue to thrive as a rescue. We are not yet non-profit, nor do we claim to be, this takes time and we are working on it. Pupz N Palz on the other hand has a face book page that clearly states they are a non-profit organization. This is a lie, you can look it up and see that.

We will continue to focus on quality, not quantity.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Hoarders and Breeders

So, the great debate continues. Should rescues help breeders and hoarders?

Some say that by taking dogs from breeders, we are just helping them to cull their stock. While we at Angel Paws Country Rescue do not agree in the practice of culling their stock and letting rescue clean up their mess while they go on to produce even more pups, we have to ask ourselves... "What will happen to these adults if someone does not step in". We are the only voice they have.

In the past 8 months we have taken on several Pomeranian adults from a breeding situation, networked with several other rescues and found most of them homes. We did end up with one litter (Mom came in pregnant) and unfortunately, one rescue did breed two of the dogs we placed with them and sold them on a pet site. The same was done by the same rescue with some Yorkies taken in from a breeder. (From now on, we will only allow these adults to be placed with rescues that we know for a fact will spay/neuter and not breed them to line their own pockets).

So, the big question is: What do you, the public think about rescue taking retired stock from breeders and getting them into homes where they will never be bred again?

Looking forward to your answers.